Free to the Public
Open 24/7, 365 Days a Year

Ways to Donate

With your support, we will never forget.

As a nonprofit 501(c)(3) organization, the California 9/11 Memorial is funded entirely by private donations to fulfill our mission to honor, educate and remember. By supporting the Memorial with your donation of any size, you are helping future generations better understand and process the significance of the events of September 11, 2001. You are also honoring the memory of the thousands of civilians, first responders and military personnel who lost their lives in the aftermath of this pivotal moment in American history.

Thank you for standing with us.

Thank you for your interest in donating to the California 9/11 Memorial. Our online donation platform is currently in development and will be available on-site soon. To make a donation please contact the California 9/11 Memorial office and we will assist you with your donation transaction. Thank you.

C/O Cook Land Company
2780 N. Miami Ave., Suite 101
Fresno, CA 93727

Phone: 559-281-9088